Physical Diagnosis Secrets, 2nd Edition: With STUDENT CONSULT Online Access

by Salvatore Mangione MD
  • Soft Cover
This popular reference presents essential knowledge on physical diagnosis and health assessment in a practical and engaging question-and-answer format. A wealth of high-quality illustrations guide you through the first and most important of challenges involved in diagnosing any patient: performing the history and physical exam. Assessment techniques are highlighted and weighted based on their clinical importance. This detailed, highly focused and practical guide will equip you with the skills you need to confidently evaluate your patients! =Key Features *The proven question-and-answer format of the highly acclaimed Secrets Series® makes it easy to master all of the most important ``need-to-know`` information on physical diagnosis. *Chapters are arranged by body system for practical, easy retrieval of key information. *Author pearls, tips, memory aids, and ``secrets`` provide concise answers to the common questions encountered in everyday practice. =New to this Edition *The "Top 100" Secrets of History Taking and Physical Examination are conveniently listed in one place for quick review. *A new chapter on interpreting presenting symptoms and physical findings to facilitate diagnosis. *Key Points boxes in each chapter place essential information at your fingertips. 100 new line drawings clarify key concepts. *The Secrets Heart and Lung Sounds Workshop—both in CD-ROM and online format—is available for purchase with the book, and through Student Consult online access, and features audio clips from actual patients, along with Dr. Mangione`s commentary and a 32-page downloadable manual, to help you obtain the maximum diagnostic benefit from listening to heart and lung sounds. *STUDENT CONSULT access allows you to view the complete contents of the book online, anywhere you go...perform quick searches...and add your own notes and bookmarks.
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ISBN: 9780323034678
Series: Secrets
Publisher: Mosby
Publication Date: Jan 1, 1900
Cover: Soft cover
Pages: 712
Weight: 0.850 kg

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