Nelson Essentials of Pediatrics With STUDENT CONSULT Online Access, 5th Edition, International Edition
by Robert Kliegman, Karen Marcdante, Hal Jenson, and Richard Behrman-
Soft Cover
Completely revised and updated, this reference of choice for students and practitioners offers practical guidance and the latest information on normal growth and development, along with the diagnosis, management, and prevention of common childhood diseases and disorders. Discussions of the pathophysiologic aspects of pediatric disease, the genetic bases of disease, and the psychosocial dynamics of illness aid in the clinical decision-making process. What's more, the New Edition is streamlined for more focused, consistent coverage of core areas of pediatrics and also includes STUDENT CONSULT access, which allows users to integrate additional vital information. *Focuses on the core aspects of pediatric health and disease. *Emphasizes the pathophysiologic aspects of pediatric disease and the psychosocial dynamics of illness. *Covers the genetic bases of disease, when applicable, since the understanding is critical for clinical decision making. *Uses summary tables that enable quick review. Includes STUDENT CONSULT Access *Includes access to, where readers will find the complete text and illustrations of the book are online—fully searchable · "Integration Links" to bonus content in other STUDENT CONSULT titles · content clipping for handheld devices · an interactive community center with a wealth of additional resources · and more. *Provides a one year access to Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 17e along with case studies and USMLE questions. *Follows the core curriculum of the medical school pediatric clerkship, helping to ensure success. *Features greater guidance on history, physical examination, and diagnostic approach to the pediatric patient. *Uses a full-color design and restructured chapters, providing a more modern look and easy access to information. *Presents a reorganized format to include 26 sections comprising 204 chapters, making information easier to find.