The Washington Manual of Surgery, 6th edition

by Mary Klingensmith
  • Softcover
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Revised and updated by residents and faculty of one of the world's top surgical training programs, The Washington Manual of Surgery, Fifth Edition provides concise guidelines and algorithms for diagnosis and management of surgical diseases. The book's pocket size and user-friendly outline format ensure fast access to information.

This edition incorporates evidence-based medicine into each chapter, so readers can fully understand the reasoning behind the recommendations. Minimally invasive techniques, including endovascular, are incorporated into all relevant anatomical site and disease chapters. Coverage of vascular disease has been reorganized into three chapters: cerebrovascular disease, thoracoabdominal vascular disease, and peripheral vascular disease.


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ISBN: 9781451176445
Publisher: Wolters Kluwer Health
Publication Date: Jan 12, 2011
Cover: softcover
Pages: 930
Weight: 0.953 kg

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