The ADA Practical Guide to Patients with Medical Conditions
by Lauren L. Patton (Editor)-
Soft Cover

With new medications, medical therapies, and increasing numbers of older and medically complex patients seeking dental care, all dentists, hygienists, and students need to understand the background of common diseases, medical management, and dental management to coordinate and deliver safe care.
Written by more than 25 academicians and clinicians who are experts in the content areas, the evidence-based Practical Guide from the American Dental Association takes a patient-focused approach to help you deliver safe, coordinated oral health care for patients with medical conditions.
Systems-based, user-friendly format to save you time!
•Each chapter of this Practical Guide discusses individual conditions clearly organized under three headings: background, medical management, and dental management
•Other sections include: disease descriptions, pathogenesis, coordination of care between the dentist and physician, and key questions to ask the patient and physician
Key features that make this a must-have book:
•Coverage of clinical topics including: Cardiovascular Disease, Pulmonary Disease, Endocrine Disorders, Bleeding Disorders, Neurologic Disorders, Neurodevelopmental and Psychiatric Disorders, Geriatric Health and Functional Issues, Neurodevelopmental and Psychiatric Disorders, HIV/AIDS and Related Conditions and much more
•Identification of risks related to hemostasis, susceptibility to infection, drug actions/interactions, and ability to tolerate dental care, specific to the patient’s medical condition
•More than 200 clinical images – which you can downloaded from the book’s website!
•Over 75 summary tables to help you digest vital information
•Quick reference points and guides to key dental care issues in each chapter
•Companion website with downloadable images and tables and a webliography with click-through links to online sources at
Help your patients improve their oral and overall health. Order today!