Step-Up to USMLE Step 2, 2nd edition
by Jonathan P Van Kleunen-
Soft Cover
This Step-Up Series volume is a high-yield, systems-based, outline-format review of commonly tested USMLE Step 2 material, including internal medicine subspecialties, required clerkship specialties, and important topics in medical practice. The user-friendly format, with numerous tables, illustrations, and flow charts, allows quick review of a vast body of facts. Quick Hit marginalia highlight facts likely to be tested. Next Step marginalia indicate what the clinician must do next after making a diagnosis. A full-color section illustrates classic presentations of dermatologic and other disorders. This edition includes additional Quick Hits, mnemonics, new illustrations, expanded coverage of ARDS, a new table on breast malignancy variants, and updated vaccination schedules. =Table Of Contents CHAPTER 1: CARDIOVASCULAR DISORDERS: Normal Cardiac Anatomy, Physiology, and Function / Ischemic Heart Disease / Arrhythmias / Heart Failure / Valvular Diseases / Cardiomyopathies / Pericardial Diseases / Myocardial Infections / Hypertension (HTN) / Shock / Vascular Diseases / Pediatric Cardiology CHAPTER 2: PULMONARY DISORDERS: Measures of Pulmonary Function / Respiratory Infections / Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) / Obstructive Airway Diseases / Respiratory Neoplasms / Interstitial Lung Diseases and Other Lung Diseases / Vascular and Thromboembolic Pulmonary Conditions / Pleural Diseases / Sleep Apnea / Pulmonary Surgical Concerns / Pediatric Pulmonary Concerns CHAPTER 3: GASTROINTESTINAL DISORDERS: Gastrointestinal (GI) Infections / Oral and Esophageal Conditions / Gastric Conditions / Intestinal Conditions / Pancreatic Disorders / Hepatobiliary Disorders / Pediatric GI Disorders CHAPTER 4: GENITOURINARY DISORDERS: Normal Renal Function / Disorders of the Kidney / Glomerular Diseases / Renal Failure / Acid-Base Disorders / Electrolyte Disorders / Bladder and Ureteral Disorders / Male Reproduction / Pediatric Genitourinary Concerns CHAPTER 5: ENDOCRINE DISORDERS: Disorders of Glucose Metabolism / Thyroid Disorders / Parathyroid Disorders / Pituitary and Hypothalamic Disorders / Adrenal Disorders / Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia (MEN) / Pediatric Endocrine Concerns CHAPTER 6: HEMATOLOGY AND ONCOLOGY: Anemias / Genetic Disorders of Hemoglobin / Leukocyte Disorders and Hypersensitivity / Clotting Disorders / Hematological Infections / Hematological Neoplastic Conditions / Oncologic Therapy / Other Pediatric Hematological and Oncologic Concerns CHAPTER 7: SELECTED TOPICS IN EMERGENCY MEDICINE, CRITICAL CARE, AND SURGERY Emergency Medicine: Accidents and Injury / Toxicology / Cardiovascular Emergencies / Traumatology / Abuse and Sexual Assault Basic Critical Care: Issues in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) / Hemodynamic Stability Basic Surgical Concerns: Preoperative and Postoperative Issues / Surgical Emergencies / Transplantation CHAPTER 8: NEUROLOGIC DISORDERS: Normal Neurologic and Neurovascular Function / Neurologic Infection / Headache / Cerebrovascular and Hemorrhagic Diseases / Seizure Disorders / Degenerative Neurologic Disorders / Peripheral Neurologic and Neuromuscular Disorders / Neoplasms / Sleep and Loss of Consciousness / Pediatric Neurologic Issues / Ophthalmology / Audiovestibular Disorders CHAPTER 9: MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS: Common Adult Orthopaedic Conditions / Spine / Metabolic Bone Diseases / Infection / Osteoarthritis / Rheumatologic Diseases / Neoplasms / Pediatric Orthopaedics CHAPTER 10: DERMATOLOGY: Infections / Inflammatory Skin Conditions / Bullous Diseases / Neoplasms / Plastic Surgery CHAPTER 11: GYNECOLOGIC AND BREAST DISORDERS: Menstrual Physiology / Contraception / Menstrual Disorders and Issues / Common Gynecologic Infections / Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) / Gynecologic Neoplasms / Disorders of the Breast CHAPTER 12: OBSTETRICS: Normal Pregnancy Physiology / Prenatal Care / Medical Complications of Pregnancy / Obstetric Complications of Pregnancy / Labor and Delivery / Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasms CHAPTER 13: PEDIATRICS: Development and Health Supervision / Immune Disorders / Genetic Disorders (Chromosomal Pathology) CHAPTER 14: PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS: Psychiatric Evaluation / Mood Disorders / Anxiety Disorders / Psychotic Disorders / Personality Disorders / Substance Abuse / Eating Disorders / Somatoform and Factitious Disorders / Delirium and Dementia / Pediatric Psychiatric Disorders CHAPTER 15: EPIDEMIOLOGY AND ETHICS: Research Studies / Biostatistics / Ethics Index