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- Plastic Surgery: Clinical Problem Solving, 1st edition
Soft Cover
Learn how to manage commonly encountered problems in plastic and reconstructive surgery with this unique case-based approach
Covering head, neck, trunk, extremities, and cosmetic concerns, this sourcebook uses numerous visual clinical scenarios to illustrate essential plastic and reconstructive surgical principles. Each chapter is organized by a well-illustrated case, followed by algorithms that take you through effective management strategies and clinically relevant information. The result is an ideal resource for oral board preparation and a valuable primer for students, residents, and attending physicians from diverse specialties.
*The first resource of its kind, based on visual clinical scenarios designed to sharpen clinical-decision making
*Each case includes an algorithm to guide management strategies
*An extensive, high-yield collection of information and insights for each case
*Practical pearls from leading authorities close each case and provide concept-clarifying take-away points
*Full-color clinical photos add emphasis to must-know points throughout each case
*Suggested references provide further information on each subject
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