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Pharmacy Management, Second Edition: Essentials for All Practice Settings, Second Edition
by Shane P. Desselle, David P. Zgarrick-
Soft Cover
"...it is a valuable, easy to use book that should be successful in the marketplace. It is superior to the earlier edition and to other, currently available management books. It is a plus that nearly all examples and cases use pharmacy settings."--Doody's Review Service (Doody's )
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If it's important to your pharmacy career… you'll find it here
"This is the most comprehensive pharmacy management book I have ever seen. It is suitable for all types of practice settings: community/retail, hospital, etc. It is nearly a one-stop single resource for one opening a new pharmacy or owning or managing an existing pharmacy. In essence, it provides an understanding for the role of management in pharmacy practice. The book covers core topics as well as valuable peripheral topics and themes that will be of value to managers....It is superior to the earlier edition and to other, currently available management books. It is a plus that nearly all examples and cases use pharmacy settings. 3 Stars."--Doody's Review Service
Covering everything from operations management and purchasing to Medicare Part D, this complete guide explains vital pharmacy management topics across all practice settings.
More than any other text, Pharmacy Management reflects the challenges facing today's pharmacist. The book is filled with advice from the field's top experts who take you through the principles applicable to all aspects of pharmacy practice, from managing money to handling personal stress. Long after you've taken your last pharmacy college exam, you'll turn to Pharmacy Management for answers to make your pharmacy practice more professionally rewarding and personally enriching.
- A scenario-based presentation combines practical solutions with evidence-based management theory and models, which are directly applied to cases and examples.
- Learning objectives and Q&As appear in every chapter
- NEW chapters on: Leadership, Medicare Part D, and Financial Reports
- Important revisions to the chapters on Managing Technology and Information Systems and Reimbursement for Value-Added Pharmacy Services
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Mc Graw-Hill Medical
Publication Date:
Jan 8, 2008
Soft cover
1.000 kg