Oral Radiology, International Edition, 6th Edition: Principles and Interpretation
by Stuart C. White, Michael J. Pharoah-
Hard Cover
With more than 1,000 high-quality radiographs and illustrations, this bestselling book visually demonstrates the basic principles of oral and maxillofacial radiology as well as effective clinical application. You’ll be able to diagnose and treat patients effectively with the coverage of imaging techniques, including specialized techniques such as MRI and CT, and the comprehensive discussion of the radiographic interpretation of pathology. The book also covers radiation physics, radiation biology, and radiation safety and protection — helping you provide state-of-the-art care! =Key Features •A consistent format makes it easy to follow and comprehend clinical material on each pathologic condition, including a definition, synonyms, clinical features, radiographic features, differential diagnosis, and management/treatment. •Updated photos show new equipment and radiographs in the areas of intraoral radiographs, normal radiographic anatomy, panoramic imaging, and advanced imaging. •Updated Digital Imaging chapter expands coverage of PSP plates and its use in cephalometric and panoramic imaging, examining the larger latitudes of photostimulable phosphor receptors and their linear response to the five orders of magnitude of x-ray exposure. •Updated Guidelines for Prescribing Dental Radiographs chapter includes the latest ADA guidelines, and also discusses the European Guidelines. •Updated information on radiographic manifestations of diseases in the orofacial region includes the latest data on etiology and diagnosis, with an emphasis on advanced imaging. •Expert contributors include many authors with worldwide reputations. =New to this Edition •Cone Beam Computed Tomography chapter covers machines, the imaging process, and typical clinical applications of cone-beam imaging, with examples of examinations made from scans. •Evolve website adds more coverage of cases, with more examples of specific issues. =Table of Contents Part I The Physics of Ionizing Radiation 1. Radiation Physics Part II Biological Effects of Radiation 2. Radiobiology Part III Radiation Safety and Protection 3. Radiation Safety and Protection Part IV Imaging Principles and Techniques 4. Projection Geometry 5. X-ray film, Intensifying Screens, and Grids 6. Processing X-Ray Film 7. Digital Imaging 8. Radiographic Quality Assurance and Infection Control 9. Intraoral Radiographic Examinations 10. Normal Radiographic Anatomy 11. Panoramic Imaging 12. Extraoral Radiographic Examinations 13. Advanced Imaging 14. NEW!Cone Beam Computed Tomography 15. Guidelines for Prescribing Dental Radiographs Part V Radiographic Interpretation of Pathology 16. Principles of Radiographic Interpretation 17. Dental Caries 18. Periodontal Diseases 19. Dental Anomalies 20. Inflammations Lesions of the Jaws 21. Cysts of the Jaws 22. Benign Tumors of the Jaws 23. Malignant Disease of the Jaws 24. Bone Diseases Manifested in the Jaws 25. Systemic Diseases Manifested in the Jaws 26. Diagnostic Imaging of the Temporomandibular Joint 27. Paranasal Sinuses 28. Soft Tissue Calcifications and Ossifications 29. Trauma to Teeth and Facial Structures 30. Developmental Disturbances of the Face and Jaws 31. Salivary Gland Radiology 32. Orofacial Implants