Missing Teeth: A Guide to Treatment Options
by J. Fraser McCord DDS BDS RCS(Edin) C(BIOL) MI(BIOL), Alan A. Grant DDSc MSc FRACDS, Callum Y. Youngson, and Roger M. Watson-
Soft Cover
Prosthetic treatment of patients with missing teeth is a vitally important area of practice for dental practitioners, and consequently for all dental students as well. Increasingly complex cases presented by more people keeping some or all teeth into old age, as well as the expanding range of treatment alternatives available, has created a greater demand for fixed prostheses or bridges, removable partial dentures, and prostheses supported by dental implants. All three of these options are now covered in entirety in this comprehensive guide, making it easy for students to acquire treatment planning skills needed for dealing with real patients, beginning with a discussion of tooth loss as the presenting problem and guiding the reader through the available alternatives.