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- MCQs for Dentistry, 3rd Edition
The new edition of this essential revision book has been expanded and updated to include a wealth of new material, making it an excellent revision aid for dentistry students of all levels. Authored by experienced academics and organised by key subject areas, this book is the perfect tool to help build confidence and prepare for multiple choice question examinations. The new edition includes: - Over 400 questions - Subject-based chapters, providing a focused revision plan - detailed explanations for each answer overleaf - practical tips on MCQ exam technique
• Contains more than 400 multiple choice Q&As.
• Subject-based chapters allow focussed revision.
• Updated throughout to reflect current guidelines.
• Overleaf answers include detailed explanations to develop learning.
• (20% new and updated material).
"This book is an excellent aid for preparing for MCQ based assessments, including those in an e-Assessment format. The clear and precise answers allow students to reflect upon their knowledge aiding both their learning and exam performance." Kevin Davey, Clinical Lecturer - Periodontology "This book is an excellent adjunct to use to revise for exams and practice MCQs. A very wide range of topics are covered in detail, reflecting current UK legislation where appropriate." Alix Furness, former MJDF examiner and MFGDP MCQ Lead, GDP and DF1 Trainer