MCQs and EMQs in Surgery: A Bailey & Love Companion Guide

by Pradip Datta, Christopher Bulstrode, B.V. Praveen
  • Softcover

With over 1000 questions, MCQs and EMQs in Surgery is the ideal self-assessment companion guide to Bailey & Love's Short Practice in Surgery. The book assists readers in their preparation for

examinations and to test their knowledge of the principles and practice of surgery as outlined within Bailey & Love.

Sub-divided into 13 subject-specific sections, both MCQs and EMQs provide a comprehensive coverage of the surgical curriculum as well as the core learning points as set out in Bailey & Love:

Each section emphasises the importance of self-assessment within effective clinical examination and soundly based surgical principles, while while taking into account the latest developments in

surgical practice.

MCQs and EMQs in Surgery is an excellent companion to Bailey & Love and provides a valuable revision tool for those studying for MRCS.

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ISBN: 9780340990674
Publisher: CRC Press
Publication Date: Jan 7, 2010
Cover: softcover
Pages: 596
Weight: 0.820 kg

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