Illustrated Handbook of Clinical Dentistry, 3rd Edition
by Michael A. Sullivan, DDS-
The Illustrated Handbook of Clinical Dentistry, 3rd Edition, uniquely summarizes the essential principles and procedures necessary to support efficient diagnosis and treatment of dental patients.
An indispensable reference for students and clinicians, this handbook is a compilation of varied dental topics, ranging from anesthesia methods to radiographic abnormalities. Formatted for ease-of-use with 14 tabbed chapters, it includes over 200 full-color photographs, radiographs and illustrations. Additional features include up to date diagnostic tools and other technologies to help keep dentists current in practice and sample prescriptions for infections, ulcerations and commonly prescribed medications.
Updates to this Edition
•Enhanced and updated Emergency Medicine section •Implant prosthetics added •Updated oral cancer screening techniques •New images for common radiographic lesions
•Anesthesia •Emergency Medicine •Head & Neck Anatomy •Implantology •Instrumentation •Oral Surgery •Orthodontics •Pathology •Pediatric Dentistry •Periodontology •Prescription Medications •Prosthodontics •Radiology