Histology: A Text and Atlas with Correlated Cell and Molecular Biology / Edition 6

by Michael H. Ross, Wojciech Pawlina
  • Paperback

Now in its revised, updated Sixth Edition, Histology: A Text and Atlas is ideal for medical, health professions, and undergraduate biology students. This best-selling combination text and atlas includes a detailed textbook description that emphasizes clinical and functional correlates of histology, fully supplemented by vividly informative illustrations and photographs. Separate, superbly illustrated atlas sections follow almost every chapter and feature large-size, full-color digital micrographs, with labels and legends that highlight details of microanatomy.

For this edition, approximately 20 percent of the micrographs have been replaced with newly enhanced, sharper images. One third of the illustrations have been redrawn in a new style.

A powerful online interactive atlas is included with the book and features all of the plates in the text with interactive functionality.

Now it its Fifth Edition, this best-selling text and atlas is the perfect text for medical, health professions, and undergraduate biology students. It combines a detailed textbook that emphasizes clinical and functional correlates of histology with a beautifully illustrated atlas featuring full-color digital micrographs of the highest quality. This edition includes over 100 new illustrations, more Clinical Correlation boxes on the histology of common medical conditions, and new information on the molecular biology of endothelial cell function. Terminology throughout the text is consistent with Terminologia Anatomica.


Table of Contents


METHODS | 1 Overview of Methods Used in Histology

| 1 | 2 Histochemistry and Cytochemistry

| 3 Microscopy

| 13 Folder 1.1

Clinical Correlation: Frozen Sections | 4 Folder 1.2

Microspectrophotometry | 7

Functional Considerations: Feulgen Folder 1.3

Medicine | 9

Clinical Correlation: Monoclonal Antibodies in Folder 1.4

Proper Use of the Light Microscope | 11 2.

CELL CYTOPLASM | 22 Overview of the Cell and Cytoplasm

| 22 Membranous Organelles

| 25 Nonmembranous Organelles

| 56 Inclusions

| 71 Cytoplasmic Matrix

| 73 Folder 2.1

Diseases | 42

Clinical Correlation: Lysosomal Storage Folder 2.2

Microtubules and Filaments | 68

Clinical Correlation: Abnormalities in Folder 2.3

of Centrioles and Cancer | 72

Clinical Correlation: Abnormal Duplication 3.

THE CELL NUCLEUS | 75 Overview of the Nucleus

| 75 Nuclear Components

| 75 Cell Renewal

| 84 Cell Cycle

| 86 Cell Death

| 93 Folder 3.1

Clinical Correlation: Cytogenetic Testing | 80 Folder 3.2

and Cancer Treatment | 81

Clinical Correlation: Regulation of Cell Cycle 4.


TISSUES: CONCEPT AND98 Overview of Tissues

| 98 Epithelium

| 99 Connective Tissue

| 99 Muscle Tissue

| 100 Nerve Tissue

| 101 Histogenesis of Tissues

| 102 Identifying Tissues

| 102 Folder 4.1

Clinical Correlation: Ovarian Teratomas | 103 5.

EPITHELIAL TISSUE | 105 Overview of Epithelial Structure and Function

| 105 Classification of Epithelium

| 106 Cell Polarity

| 107 The Apical Domain and its Modifications

| 109 The Lateral Domain and its Specializations in

Cell-To-Cell Adhesion

| 121 The Basal Domain and its Specializations in

Cell-To-Extracellular Matrix Adhesion

| 134 Glands

| 146 Epithelial Cell Renewal

| 150 Folder 5.1

Clinical Correlation: Epithelial Metaplasia | 109 Folder 5.2

Dyskinesia | 120

Clinical Correlation: Primary Ciliary Folder 5.3

as a Target of Pathogenic Agents | 128

Clinical Correlation: Junctional Complexes Folder 5.4

Membrane and Basal Lamina

Terminology | 138

Functional Considerations: Basement Folder 5.5

Serous Membranes | 150

Functional Considerations: Mucus and Atlas Plates

Plate 1

Epithelia | 152

Simple Squamous and Cuboidal Plate 2

Simple and Stratified Epithelia | 154 Plate 3

Tissues | 156

Stratified Epithelia and Epithelioid 6.

CONNECTIVE TISSUE | 158 General Structure and Function of

Connective Tissue

| 158 Embryonic Connective Tissue

| 159 Connective Tissue Proper

| 160 Connective Tissue Fibers

| 161 Extracellular Matrix

| 173 Connective Tissue Cells

| 178 Folder 6.1

Clinical Correlation: Collagenopathies | 170 Folder 6.2

Molecular Changes in Photoaged Skin | 173

Clinical Correlation: Sun Exposure and Folder 6.3

Wound Repair | 183

Clinical Correlation: Role of Myofibroblasts in Folder 6.4

Phagocytotic System | 185

Functional Considerations: The Mononuclear Folder 6.5

and Basophils in Allergic Reactions | 188

Clinical Correlation: The Role of Mast Cells Atlas Plates

Plate 4

Tissue | 192

Loose and Dense Irregular Connective Plate 5

Ligaments | 194

Dense Regular Connective Tissue, Tendons, and Plate 6

Elastic Fibers and Elastic Lamellae | 196 7.

CARTILAGE | 198 Overview of Cartilage

| 198 Hyaline Cartilage

| 199 Elastic Cartilage

| 204 Fibrocartilage

| 204 Chondrogenesis and Cartilage Growth

| 206 Repair of Hyaline Cartilage

| 207 Folder 7.1

Clinical Correlation: Osteoarthritis | 199 Folder 7.2

the Cartilage; Chondrosarcomas | 208

Clinical Correlation: Malignant Tumors of Atlas Plates

Plate 7

Hyaline Cartilage | 210 Plate 8

Cartilage and the Developing Skeleton | 212 Plate 9

Elastic Cartilage | 214 Plate 10

Fibrocartilage | 216 8.

BONE | 218 Overview of Bone

| 218 Bones and Bone Tissue

| 219 General Structure of Bones

| 220 Cells of Bone Tissue

| 223 Bone Formation

| 232 Biologic Mineralization and Matrix Vesicles

| 241 Physiologic Aspects of Bone

| 242 Folder 8.1

Clinical Correlation: Joint Diseases | 221 Folder 8.2

Clinical Correlation: Osteoporosis | 233 Folder 8.3

in Bone Formation | 234

Clinical Correlation: Nutritional Factors Folder 8.4

Regulation of Bone Growth | 242

Functional Considerations: Hormonal Atlas Plates

Plate 11

Bone, Ground Section | 244 Plate 12

Bone and Bone Tissue | 246 Plate 13

Endochondral Bone Formation I | 248 Plate 14

Endochondral Bone Formation II | 250 Plate 15

Intramembranous Bone Formation | 252 9.

ADIPOSE TISSUE | 254 Overview of Adipose Tissue

| 254 White Adipose Tissue

| 254 Brown Adipose Tissue

| 259 Folder 9.1

Clinical Correlation: Obesity | 261 Folder 9.2

Clinical Correlation: Adipose Tissue Tumors | 262 Folder 9.3

Brown Adipose Tissue Interference | 264

Clinical Correlation: PET Scanning and Atlas Plates

Plate 16

Adipose Tissue | 266 10.

BLOOD | 268 Overview of Blood

| 268 Plasma

| 269 Erythrocytes

| 270 Leukocytes

| 275 Thrombocytes

| 286 Formation of Blood Cells (Hemopoiesis)

| 289 Bone Marrow

| 298 Folder 10.1

Group Systems | 273

Clinical Correlation: ABO and Rh Blood Folder 10.2

with Diabetes | 274

Clinical Correlation: Hemoglobin in Patients Folder 10.3

Clinical Correlation: Hemoglobin Disorders | 276 Folder 10.4

Neutrophils; Chronic Granulomatous Disease

(CGD) | 281

Clinical Correlation: Inherited Disorders of Folder 10.5

and Jaundice | 281

Clinical Correlation: Hemoglobin Breakdown Folder 10.6

Marrow | 300

Clinical Correlation: Cellularity of the Bone Atlas Plates

Plate 17

Erythrocytes and Granulocytes | 302 Plate 18

Agranulocytes and Red Marrow | 304 Plate 19

Erythropoiesis | 306 Plate 20

Granulopoiesis | 308 11.

MUSCLE TISSUE | 310 Overview and Classification of Muscle

| 310 Skeletal Muscle

| 311 Cardiac Muscle

| 327 Smooth Muscle

| 331 Folder 11.1

and Ischemia | 316

Functional Considerations: Muscle Metabolism Folder 11.2

Dystrophin and Dystrophin- Associated

Proteins | 319

Clinical Correlation: Muscular Dystrophies— Folder 11.3

Filament Model | 323

Functional Considerations: The Sliding Folder 11.4

Clinical Correlation: Myasthenia Gravis | 325 Folder 11.5

the Three Muscle Types | 337

Functional Considerations: Comparison of Atlas Plates

Plate 21

Skeletal Muscle I | 340 Plate 22

Skeletal Muscle II and Electron Microscopy | 342 Plate 23

Myotendinal Junction | 344 Plate 24

Cardiac Muscle | 346 Plate 25

Cardiac Muscle, Purkinje Fibers | 348 Plate 26

Smooth Muscle I | 350 12.

NERVE TISSUE | 352 Overview of the Nervous System

| 352 Composition of Nerve Tissue

| 353 The Neuron

| 353 Supporting Cells of the Nervous System;

The Neuroglia

| 363 Origin of Nerve Tissue Cells

| 373 Organization of the Peripheral Nervous System

| 375 Organization of the Autonomic Nervous System

| 378 Organization of the Central Nervous System

| 381 Response of Neurons to Injury

| 386 Folder 12.1

Clinical Correlation: Parkinson’s Disease | 358 Folder 12.2

Clinical Correlation: Demyelinating Diseases | 366 Folder 12.3

in the CNS | 389

Clinical Correlation: Gliosis: Scar formation Atlas Plates

Plate 27

Sympathetic and Dorsal Root Ganglia | 390 Plate 28

Peripheral Nerve | 392 Plate 29

Cerebrum | 394 Plate 30

Cerebellum | 396 Plate 31

Spinal Cord | 398 13.

CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM | 400 Overview of the Cardiovascular System

| 400 Heart

| 402 General Features of Arteries and Veins

| 408 Arteries

| 414 Capillaries

| 421 Arteriovenous Shunts

| 423 Veins

| 424 Atypical Blood Vessels

| 426 Lymphatic Vessels

| 427 Folder 13.1

Clinical Correlation: Atherosclerosis | 411 Folder 13.2

Clinical Correlation: Hypertension | 416 Folder 13.3

Clinical Correlation: Ischemic Heart Disease | 429 Atlas Plates

Plate 32

Heart | 432 Plate 33

Aorta | 434 Plate 34

Muscular Arteries and Veins | 436 Plate 35

Arterioles, Venules, and Lymphatic Vessels | 438 14.

LYMPHATIC SYSTEM | 440 Overview of the Lymphatic System

| 440 Cells of the Lymphatic System

| 441 Lymphatic Tissues and Organs

| 453 Folder 14.1

Names T Lymphocyte and B Lymphocyte | 447

Functional Considerations: Origin of the Folder 14.2

Reactions | 447

Clinical Correlation: Hypersensitivity Folder 14.3

Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immunodeficiency

Syndrome (AIDS) | 455

Clinical Correlation: Human Immunodeficiency Folder 14.4

Lymphadenitis | 466

Clinical Correlation: Reactive (Inflammatory) Atlas Plates

Plate 36

Palatine Tonsil | 476 Plate 37

Lymph Node I | 478 Plate 38

Lymph Node II | 480 Plate 39

Spleen I | 482 Plate 40

Spleen II | 484 Plate 41

Thymus | 486 15.

INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM | 488 Overview of the Integumentary System

| 488 Layers of the Skin

| 489 Cells of the Epidermis

| 493 Structures of Skin

| 501 Folder 15.1

Origin | 492

Clinical Correlation: Cancers of Epidermal Folder 15.2

Functional Considerations: Skin Color | 499 Folder 15.3

and Hair Characteristics | 504

Functional Considerations: Hair Growth Folder 15.4

Sebum | 505

Functional Considerations: The Role of Folder 15.5

Disease | 507

Clinical Correlation: Sweating and Folder 15.6

Clinical Correlation: Skin Repair | 512 Atlas Plates

Plate 42

Skin I | 514 Plate 43

Skin II | 516 Plate 44

Apocrine and Eccrine Sweat Glands | 518 Plate 45

Sweat and Sebaceous Glands | 520 Plate 46

Integument and Sensory Organs | 522 Plate 47

Hair Follicle and Nail | 524 16.



DIGESTIVE SYSTEM I:526 Overview of the Digestive System

| 526 Oral Cavity

| 527 Tongue

| 529 Teeth and Supporting Tissues

| 534 Salivary Glands

| 545 Folder 16.1

of Taste | 533

Clinical Correlation: The Genetic Basis Folder 16.2

Permanent (Secondary) and Deciduous

(Primary) Dentition | 534

Clinical Correlation: Classification of Folder 16.3

Clinical Correlation: Dental Caries | 547 Folder 16.4

Clinical Correlation: Salivary Gland Tumors | 555 Atlas Plates

Plate 48

Lip, A Mucocutaneous Junction | 556 Plate 49

Tongue I | 558 Plate 50

Tongue II - Foliate Papillae and Taste Buds | 560 Plate 51

Submandibular Gland | 562 Plate 52

Parotid Gland | 564 Plate 53

Sublingual Gland | 566 17.



DIGESTIVE SYSTEM II:568 Overview of the Esophagus and Gastrointestinal


| 569 Esophagus

| 572 Stomach

| 574 Small Intestine

| 586 Large Intestine

| 597 Folder 17.1

and Peptic Ulcer Disease | 578

Clinical Correlation: Pernicious Anemia Folder 17.2

Syndrome | 580

Clinical Correlation: Zollinger-Ellison Folder 17.3

Endocrine System | 581

Functional Considerations: The Gastrointestinal Folder 17.4

Absorptive Functions of Enterocytes | 587

Functional Considerations: Digestive and Folder 17.5

of the Alimentary Canal | 595

Functional Considerations: Immune Functions Folder 17.6

Vessel Distribution and Diseases of the

Large Intestine | 602

Clinical Correlation: The Pattern of Lymph Atlas Plates

Plate 54

Esophagus | 606 Plate 55

Esophagus And Stomach, Cardiac Region | 608 Plate 56

Stomach I | 610 Plate 57

Stomach II | 612 Plate 58

Gastroduodenal Junction | 614 Plate 59

Duodenum | 616 Plate 60

Jejunum | 618 Plate 61

Ileum | 620 Plate 62

Colon | 622 Plate 63

Appendix | 624 Plate 64

Anal Canal | 626 18.



| 628 Gallbladder

| 643 Pancreas

| 647 Folder 18.1

Clinical Correlation: Lipoproteins | 630 Folder 18.2

Failure and Liver Necrosis | 635

Clinical Correlation: Congestive Heart Folder 18.3

Disease | 655

Insulin Production and Alzheimer’s Folder 18.4

Synthesis, an Example of

Posttranslational Processing | 655

Functional Considerations: Insulin Atlas Plates

Plate 65

Liver I | 656 Plate 66

Liver II | 658 Plate 67

Gallbladder | 660 Plate 68

Pancreas | 662 19.

RESPIRATORY SYSTEM | 664 Overview of the Respiratory System

| 664 Nasal Cavities

| 665 Pharynx

| 670 Larynx

| 670 Trachea

| 670 Bronchi

| 676 Bronchioles

| 677 Alveoli

| 678 Blood Supply

| 687 Lymphatic Vessels

| 687 Nerves

| 687 Folder 19.1

in the Respiratory Tract | 672

Clinical Correlations: Squamous Metaplasia Folder 19.2

Clinical Correlations: Cystic Fibrosis | 685 Folder 19.3

Pneumonia | 686

Clinical Correlations: Emphysema and Atlas Plates

Plate 69

Olfactory Mucosa | 688 Plate 70

Larynx | 690 Plate 71

Trachea | 692 Plate 72

Bronchioles and End Respiratory Passages | 694 Plate 73

and Alveolus | 696

Terminal Bronchiole, Respiratory Bronchiole, 20.

URINARY SYSTEM | 698 Overview of the Urinary System

| 698 General Structure of the Kidney

| 699 Kidney Tubule Function

| 714 Interstitial Cells

| 720 Histophysiology of the Kidney

| 720 Blood Supply

| 721 Lymphatic Vessels

| 723 Nerve Supply

| 723 Ureter, Urinary Bladder, and Urethra

| 723 Folder 20.1

Vitamin D | 699

Functional Considerations: Kidney and Folder 20.2

Membrane Antibody-Induced Glomerulonephritis;

Goodpasture Syndrome | 712

Clinical Correlation: Antiglomerular Basement Folder 20.3

Urine—Urinalysis | 714

Clinical Correlation: Examination of the Folder 20.4

Renin–Angiotensin–Aldosterone System and

Hypertension | 714

Clinical Correlation:

Function of Aquaporin Water Channels | 717

Folder 20.5 Functional Considerations: Structure and Folder 20.6

Regulation of Collecting Duct Function | 721

Functional Considerations: Hormonal Atlas Plates

Plate 74

KIDNEY I | 728 Plate 75

KIDNEY II | 730 Plate 76

KIDNEY III | 732 Plate 77

KIDNEY IV | 734 Plate 78

URETER | 736 Plate 79


ENDOCRINE ORGANS | 740 Overview of the Endocrine System

| 740 Pituitary Gland (Hypophysis)

| 742 Hypothalamus

| 751 Pineal Gland

| 752 Thyroid Gland

| 755 Parathyroid Glands

| 760 Adrenal Glands

| 762 Folder 21.1

Pituitary Gland Secretion | 743

Functional Considerations: Regulation of Folder 21.2

Diseases | 750

Clinical Correlation: Principles of Endocrine Folder 21.3

with ADH Secretion | 753

Clinical Correlation: Pathologies Associated Folder 21.4

Clinical Correlation: Abnormal Thyroid Function | 758 Folder 21.5

Pheochromocytoma | 766

Clinical Correlation: Chromaffin Cells and Folder 21.6

of Adrenal Hormones | 769

Functional Considerations: Biosynthesis Atlas Plates

Plate 80

Pituitary I | 772 Plate 81

Pituitary II | 774 Plate 82

Pineal Gland | 776 Plate 83

Parathyroid and Thyroid Glands | 778 Plate 84

Adrenal Gland I | 780 Plate 85

Adrenal Gland II | 782 22.

MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM | 784 Overview of the Male Reproductive System

| 784 Testis

| 784 Spermatogenesis

| 792 Seminiferous Tubules

| 798 Intratesticular Ducts

| 802 Excurrent Duct System

| 803 Accessory Sex Glands

| 808 Prostate Gland

| 808 Semen

| 813 Penis

| 813 Folder 22.1

Regulation of Spermatogenesis | 788

Functional Considerations: Hormonal Folder 22.2

Spermatogenesis | 789

Clinical Correlation: Factors Affecting Folder 22.3

and the Immune Response | 803

Clinical Correlation: Sperm-Specific Antigens Folder 22.4

Hypertrophy and Cancer of the Prostate | 811

Clinical Correlation: Benign Prostatic Folder 22.5

and Erectile Dysfunction | 815

Clinical Correlation: Mechanism of Erection Atlas Plates

Plate 86

Testis I | 818 Plate 87

Testis II | 820 Plate 88

Efferent Ductules and Epididymis | 822 Plate 89

Spermatic Cord and Ductus Deferens | 824 Plate 90

Prostate Gland | 826 Plate 91

Seminal Vesicle | 828 23.


FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE830 Overview of the Female Reproductive System

| 830 Ovary

| 831 Uterine Tubes

| 845 Uterus

| 848 Placenta

| 854 Vagina

| 860 External Genitalia

| 861 Mammary Glands

| 863 Folder 23.1

Disease | 839

Clinical Correlation: Polycystic Ovarian Folder 23.2

Clinical Correlation: In Vitro Fertilization | 844 Folder 23.3

Hormonal Regulation of the Ovarian Cycle | 846

Functional Considerations: Summary of Folder 23.4

Placenta at Birth | 860

Clinical Correlation: Fate of the Mature Folder 23.5

Clinical Correlation: Cytologic Pap Smears | 862 Folder 23.6

Infections | 868

Clinical Correlation: Cervix and HPV Folder 23.7

Infertility | 870

Functional Considerations: Lactation and Atlas Plates

Plate 92

Ovary I | 872 Plate 93

Ovary II | 874 Plate 94

Corpus Luteum | 876 Plate 95

Uterine Tube | 878 Plate 96

Uterus I | 880 Plate 97

Uterus II | 882 Plate 98

Cervix | 884 Plate 99

Placenta I | 886 Plate 100

Placenta II | 888 Plate 101

Vagina | 890 Plate 102

Mammary Gland–Inactive Stage | 892 Plate 103

Lactating Stages | 894

Mammary Gland, Late Proliferative and 24.

EYE | 896 Overview of the Eye

| 896 General Structure of the Eye

| 896 Microscopic Structure of the Eye

| 899 Folder 24.1

Clinical Correlation: Glaucoma | 905 Folder 24.2

Clinical Correlation: Retinal Detachment | 908 Folder 24.3

Degeneration (ARMD) | 909

Clinical Correlation: Age-Related Macular Folder 24.4

Clinical Correlation: Conjunctivitis | 917 Atlas Plates

Plate 104

Eye I | 920 Plate 105

Eye II: Retina | 922 Plate 106

Eye III: Anterior Segment | 924 Plate 107

Eye IV: Sclera, Cornea, and Lens | 926 25.

EAR | 928 Overview of the Ear

| 928 External Ear

| 928 Middle Ear

| 929 Internal Ear

| 932 Folder 25.1

Clinical Correlation: Otosclerosis | 933 Folder 25.2

Dysfunction | 934

Clinical Correlation: Hearing Loss—Vestibular Folder 25.3

Clinical Correlation: Vertigo | 937 Atlas Plates

Plate 108

Ear | 946 Plate 109

Cochlear Canal and Organ of Corti | 948 Index | 950

Tissue Preparation

Preface | vii

Acknowledgments | ix

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ISBN: 9781451101508
Publisher: Wolters Kluwer Health
Publication Date: Jan 10, 2010
Cover: paperback
Pages: 928
Weight: 2.050 kg

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