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Finals in Surgery, 3rd Edition: A Guide to Success in Clinical Surgery
by Alastair M. Thompson, Kenneth G. M. Park
Soft Cover
This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. It covers the clinical part of the exam usually now examined as OSCEs and approaches the usual surgical problems from that perspective. It concentrates on the type of questions asked by the examiners and how to respond in a way that will give the candidate the best chance of success. This exam-orientated book will help to alleviate some of the suffering of the nail-biting weeks just prior to the final clinical examinations in general surgery.
•A very practical book for the exams
•It covers the difficult topics from the point of the view of the style of the exam
•It is superbly illustrated with photos of surgical cases with anatomical line drawings overlaid on top
•Written in light-hearted supportive style it includes sensible advice on general preparation issues for the exam
•Now presented in full colour and illustrated with superb photographs and line drawings
•Includes over 75 photographs of the common surgical conditions that present in the finals exam, with line drawings to highlight key clinical features
•Radiology now incorporated throughout the book
•All of the text revised with additional material on the physical examination of the surgical patient
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