Rapid Review Pathology Revised Reprint, 3rd Edition: With STUDENT CONSULT Online Access
by Edward F. Goljan-
Get the most from your study time...and experience a realistic USMLE simulation! Rapid Review Pathology, by Edward F. Goljan, MD, makes it easy for you to master all of the pathology material covered on the USMLE Step 1 Exam. It combines an updated outline-format review of key concepts and hundreds of full-color images and margin notes - in print and online - PLUS more than 400 USMLE-style online questions! Get all the practice you need to succeed!
• Access all the information you need to know quickly and easily with a user-friendly, two-color outline format that includes High-Yield Margin Notes and Key Points.
• Practice with our testing platform on USMLE Consult for a realistic testing experience that fully prepares you for the exam.
• Tailor your exam by category, subcategory, or keyword: you can include new, corrected, or all questions, and you can take the exam in test or practice mode.
• Review the most current information with completely updated chapters and more than 675 images.
• Take a timed or a practice test online with 437 USMLE-style questions and rationales for why every answer is right or wrong.
Maximize your study time and boost your USMLE performance