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Oxford Handbook of Clinical Diagnosis, 2nd Edition
by Huw Llewelyn, Hock Aun Ang, Keir E. Lewis, Anees Al-Abdullah-
Soft Cover

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The Oxford Handbook of Clinical Diagnosis is the first and only book so far to describe the differential diagnostic thought process so that it can be learnt logically and systematically. It also shows how to justify subjective diagnostic impressions clearly and logically in an evidence-based way. It provides the differential diagnosis of each symptom, physical sign and initial test result. The book uses pattern recognition tables which enable the reader to scan the page to see which diagnostic application would apply best to a patients findingsor case history. The book is aimed at medical students and others who wish to improve their diagnostic skills. It describes how to justify diagnoses and management decisions verbally or in writing and clarifies what evidence is needed to do so from research, and its statistical features. It provides senior doctors with a framework and examples to help teach trainees and students to approach diagnostic problems in a logical way and to justify their opinions. It provides all doctors with practical help when dealing with problems outside their immediate field of expertise, especially general practitioners and those faced with unforeseen situations.
It is pitched perfectly for the student studying for undergraduate clinical exams and for the general practice specialist training knowledge test. It would also serve as a helpful aide memoir for doctors dealing with a patient presenting with a problem outside their speciality. British Journal of Hospital Medicine The idea is brilliant -- take symptoms, signs, and examination findings, and suggest the most likely diagnosis. Then discuss how best to confirm it...once again OUP have come up trumps with another fine addition to the handbook family. Dr Jeremy Sagar, Univadis Whether you use its easy layout and concise size as a quick reference on wards or as a key text on those differential diagnosis questions in your private study, this book aims to help you come to terms with one of the hardest skills known to medical students. Steve Knight, Year 4 Intercalating Student, Leicesterscrubs.com ...not only does this book provide clearly headed pages of presenting complaints together with lists of their possible differentials - its layout is specifically designed in such a way to make you consistently mimic that used by clinicians on wards everyday...The usefulness of this book to your clinical years, combined with your OHCM, shouldn't be underestimated Steve Knight, Fourth Year Intercalating student, Leicesterscrubs.com a beneficial addition to any medical ward either at the nurses' station or in the doctors' office...would recommend this book for consultation at ward level. AS Fitzpatrick, Marchall Riley
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Oxford Handbooks Series
Oxford University Press
Publication Date:
Jan 2, 2009
Soft cover
0.430 kg