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- OSCEs for Dentistry, 3rd Revised edition
This new edition provides essential preparation for your Objective Structured Clinical Examination. The new edition of this indispensable revision book has been expanded and updated to help you get through your dental OSCE exams. Featuring over 150 OSCE stations covering the areas in which you will be tested, it provides detailed explanations taking you through what is required to pass the exam - developing your understanding and exam skills, and building confidence for success. Eleven chapters of subject-based stations allow focused revision, and a mock exam provides a realistic sample of questions so you can practice the OSCE format. Each station details allocated timing, allowing you to prepare for the constraints of the exam. Radiographs and colour photographs are included throughout, to illustrate certain cases.
'This is an excellent book for anyone revising for OSCEs. You are given multiple scenarios to consider and formulate answers for and then you can check your answers against the "gold standard" answers given by the authors.' Alix Furness, GDP, DF1 trainer, MJDF examiner, former senior MFGDP examiner and tutor. 'OSCEs for Dentistry is - a beneficial tool and aid for revision for OSCE examinations.' Amelia Reed, General Dental Practitioner, Oxford Reviews of previous editions: 'At last an OSCEs book for dental students! This book provides excellent clinical revision practise for practical and theoretical topics.' Susannah Hodges, 4th Year Dental Student, Cardiff 'I found this book particularly valuable during the final stages of revision for the MFDS examination, and highly recommend it. It provides a welcome break from "regular" textbooks, and prepares the reader well for the type of cases often dealt with in OSCE examinations.' Elin Angharad, General Dental Practitioner, Pontyclun