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On Call Cardiology, 3rd Edition
by M. Gabriel Khan, MD, FRCP (London), FRCP (C), FACP, FACC-
Soft Cover
Be on call with confidence! Successfully managing on-call situations requires a masterful combination of speed, skill, and knowledge. These pocket-sized resources provide you with immediate access to the vital, step-by-step information you need to rise to the occasion! On Call Cardiology, 3rd Edition is your practical resource on the management of cardiac problems encountered in an on call setting. Designed for quick reference, this book covers bedside diagnosis, ECG interpretations and treatment. Also included are pharmacologic actions, indications, adverse effects and interactions of commonly used cardiac drugs. All of the books in the ON CALL series give you clear, vital information on assessment, diagnosis, management and much more in a convenient, accessible size.
=Key Features
*Provides easy-to-reference, specialty-specific guidance on how to manage problems that arise while on call without direct supervision.
*Catalogs the calls you are most likely to receive and provides you with the questions you should ask to assess the urgency of each situation.
*Details the ideal approach to diagnose and manage patients, communicate with colleagues and families, and avoid common mistakes for every call.
*Reviews the temporary orders appropriate for each call, as well as the general protocol, and the major threats to life you must consider before arriving at bedside.
*Indexes problems by disease as well as by symptoms to expedite your access to the answers you need.
*Includes a comprehensive collection of differential diagnoses and a detailed formulary of commonly used medications—a quick, alphabetically arranged reference for indications, drug dosages, routes of administration, side effects, contraindications, and modes of action.
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Soft cover
0.440 kg