• Softcover

Thoroughly updated for its Third Edition, Obstetrics and Gynecology Recall facilitates rapid review and memorization of the key concepts encountered during the OB/GYN rotation with a concise question-and-answer format. Coverage begins with the fundamentals and progresses to a review of the key elements of OB/GYN, along with tips for the rotation and preparation for the Boards.

Washington University School of Medicine, Anna S Graseck, BA -- This is a review for medical students rotating through their obstetrics/gynecology clerkship, structured in a question and answer format, with some additional figures and tables to highlight important concepts. Reading this book at the beginning of the clerkship will give students answers to these common questions, while reviewing it at the end of the clerkship tests the students' knowledge. The scope is broad enough to aid students on general obstetrics/gynecology rotations as well as those rotating through specialty clinics...The obstetrics section presents topics pertinent to uncomplicated obstetric patients, but it also provides sufficient coverage of complicated obstetric patients (e.g. diabetes, hypertensive disorders, autoimmune disease in pregnancy). The gynecology section amply covers basic office gynecology (e.g.cervical and breast cancer screening, common gynecologic infections), but also describes specialized topics in urogynecology, oncology and endocrinology...This is a very good source for students rotating through their obstetrics/gynecology clerkship. The format lends itself well to intermittent studying throughout a busy day on the clerkship, allowing students to quickly introduce themselves to the material, look up simple questions, and review when the shelf exam is drawing near. Weighted Numerical Score: 83 - 3 Stars


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ISBN: 9780781770699
Series: Recall
Publisher: Wolters Kluwer Health
Publication Date: Jan 9, 2007
Cover: softcover
Pages: 608
Weight: 0.450 kg

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