Lecture Notes: Haematology, 9th Edition
by Chris S.R. Hatton, Nevin C. Hughes-Jones, Deborah Hay, David Keeling-

Lecture Notes: Haematology, 9th Edition
Chris S.R. Hatton, Nevin C. Hughes-Jones, Deborah Hay, David Keeling
ISBN: 978-0-470-67359-1
162 pages
April 2013, Wiley-Blackwell
For StudentsCompanion Sites
Study Resources and more...
Haematology Lecture Notes is an accessible and concise best-selling study guide, outlining the physiology, pathology and treatment of the most common blood disorders. Extensively revised and updated to reflect the considerable advances in the understanding of the molecular biology and pathogenesis of haematological disorders, it provides the core knowledge required by all medical students and junior doctors.
Key features include:
•New material on coagulation and transfusion
•Expanded coverage of haematopoiesis
•A complete update of all malignant haematology content
A brand new companion website at www.lecturenoteseries.com/haematology featuring interactive MCQs with feedback on each answer selected, chapter summaries and revision notes in PowerPoint and PDF formats, and all the figures from the book in PowerPoint format
Whether approaching haematology for the first time, or looking for a refresher, Haematology Lecture Notes will enable students and junior doctors to develop an understanding of both the basic science and clinical aspects of this specialty.
Table of Contents
Preface to the first edition vi
Preface to the ninth edition vii
1 An introduction to haematopoiesis, 1
2 Anaemia: General principles, 10
3 Haemolytic anaemias, 26
4 Disorders of globin synthesis, 39
5 Conditions associated with white cell abnormalities, 51
6 Structure and function of lymphoid tissue, 59
7 Lymphomas: General principles, 65
8 Classifi cation of lymphoma, 73
9 Neoplastic disorders of lymphoid cells, 76
10 Myeloma and other paraproteinaemias, 87
11 Neoplastic disorders of myeloid cells, 93
12 Bone marrow transplantation, 104
13 Aplastic anaemia and pure red cell aplasia, 110
14 Haemostasis, abnormal bleeding and anticoagulant therapy, 114
15 Blood groups and blood transfusion, 132
16 Further reading, 143
Index, 147