Essentials of Rubin's Pathology, 6th Edition
by Emanuel Rubin-
Essentials of Rubin's Pathology, Sixth Edition, is a condensed version of the main title, Rubin's Pathology, 6e. Targeted to students in allied health fields, including dentistry, nursing, physical therapy, physician assistant, chiropractic, and occupational therapy, Essentials of Rubin's Pathology follows the same format as Rubin's Pathology, covering principles and mechanisms of pathology in the first section and organ-specific pathology in the second section. Essentials extracts key information on pathogenesis, epidemiology, and clinical features of diseases. Illustrations -- whether schematic or photographic -- are also all derived from the main text. A companion Website will offer the fully searchable online text, case studies, audio review questions, Podcasts, and an image bank and test generator for faculty.
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1: Cell Adaptation, Cell Injury and Cell Death
CHAPTER 2: Inflammation
CHAPTER 3: Repair, Regeneration and Fibrosis
CHAPTER 4: Immunopathology
CHAPTER 5: Neoplasia
CHAPTER 6: Developmental and Genetic Diseases
CHAPTER 7: Hemodynamic Disorders
CHAPTER 8: Environmental and Nutritional Pathology
CHAPTER 9: Infectious and Parasitic Diseases
CHAPTER 10: Blood Vessels
CHAPTER 11: The Heart
CHAPTER 12: The Respiratory System
CHAPTER 13: The Gastrointestinal Tract
CHAPTER 14: The Liver and Biliary System
CHAPTER 15: The Pancreas
CHAPTER 16: The Kidney
CHAPTER 17: The Lower Urinary Tract and Male Reproductive System
CHAPTER 18: The Female Reproductive System, the Peritoneum and Pregnancy
CHAPTER 19: The Breast
CHAPTER 20: Hematopathology
CHAPTER 21: The Endocrine System
CHAPTER 22: Obesity, Diabetes Mellitus and the Metabolic Syndrome
CHAPTER 23: The Amyloidoses
CHAPTER 24: The Skin
CHAPTER 25: The Head and Neck
CHAPTER 26: Bones and Joints
CHAPTER 27: Skeletal Muscle
CHAPTER 28: The Nervous System
CHAPTER 29: The Eye