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Essentials of Family Medicin, 5 th edition
by Philip D. Sloane, Lisa M. Slatt, Mark H. Ebell-
Soft Cover
Written at the clerkship level, this book is a comprehensive introduction to family medicine. It is organized into three sections—principles of family medicine, preventive care, and common problems—and includes chapters on evidence-based medicine and complementary therapies. The text has a user-friendly writing style, focuses on common clinical problems, and uses case studies to show practical applications of key concepts. This edition features an updated art program, more illustrations, summaries, consistent headings, greater emphasis on evidence-based care, and more diverse family physician profiles representing varied practice settings.
A companion Website offers the fully searchable text, 75 study questions, and an ExamKit of more than 300 questions with which faculty can generate tests.
=Table Of Contents
PRINCIPLES OF FAMILY MEDICINE: Family Medicine in Today's Changing Health Care System, Philip D. Sloane, Thayer White, Larry Green, Warren P. Newton, and Kurt Stange / The Challenging Patient Encounter, Samuel E. Romano and Thomas L. Schwenk / Information Mastery: Basing Care on the Best Available Evidence, Allen F. Shaughnessy, Mark H. Ebell, and David C. Slawson
PREVENTIVE CARE: Prenatal Care, Beth A. Choby / Well Child and Adolescent Care, Beat Steiner / Well Adult Care, Steven M. Schwartz and Marguerite Duane / Palliative and End-of-Life Care, Gregg K. VandeKieft, Howard Brody, and Karen S. Ogle
COMMON PROBLEMS: Approach to Common Problems in Family Medicine, Philip D. Sloane and Mark H. Ebell
Cardiovascular Problems: Chest Pain, Lee A. Green and Phillip E. Rodgers / Chronic Cardiac Disease, Douglas R. Smucker and Philip M. Diller / Hypertension, Anthony J. Viera and Warren P. Newton / Venous Thromboembolism, David Weismantel
Problems of Children: Disorders of Behavior and Development, Adam J. Zolotor and Mollie Kane / Fever in Infants and Preschool Children, Vince Winklerprins and William C. Wadland
Endocrine Problems: Diabetes, Sam Weir, Katrina Donahue, and Mary Roederer / Hyperlipidemia, Allen R. Last and Jonathan D. Ference / Thyroid Disease, Jeri R. Reid / Nutrition and Weight Management, Margaret E. Thompson and Mary Barth Noel
Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Problems: Ear Pain, William J. Hueston and Arch G. Mainous III / Eye Problems, Gary R. Gray and Rebecca Rosen / Sore Throat, Mark H. Ebell
Gastrointestinal Problems: Abdominal Pain, John Smucny, John Epling, and Joseph Thompson / Chronic Liver Disease, Kenneth W. Lin / Dyspepsia, William Y. Huang and Fareed M. Khan / Lower Intestinal Problems, Charles M. Kodner
Men's and Women's Health: Breast Problems, Kendra L. Schwartz / Contraception, Leslie A. Shimp and Mindy A. Smith / Dysuria, George R. Bergus / Menstrual Syndromes, Elizabeth A. Burns and Louise Parent-Stevens / Promoting Health for Women at Menopause, Linda French and Cathleen Abbott / Men's Health Concerns, Anthony J. Viera and Larissa S. Buccolo / Relationship Issues, Sandra C. Clark and Timothy P. Daaleman / Sexually Transmitted Infections, Karl E. Miller / Vaginitis, Barbara D. Reed
Musculoskeletal and Skin Problems: Ankle and Knee Pain, James VanHuysen, Derrick Blackwell, and Henry C. Barry / Arthritis and Rheumatism, John R. Gimpel / Low Back Pain, Scott Kinkade / Neck Pain, Caryl J. Heaton / Shoulder Pain, Kevin E. Burroughs / Dermatology, Richard P. Usatine / Skin Wounds and Infections, Richard Usatine and Wayne A. Hale
Neurologic Problems: Cognitive Impairment, John P. Langlois and Soo Borson / Dizziness, Kathleen Klink / Fatigue and Sleep Disorders, Philip D. Sloane, Thomas Agresta, David Little, David Henderson, and Saloni Anand / Headache, Melissa M. Hicks and Remy R. Coeytaux
Psychiatric Problems and Substance Abuse: Addictions, Adam O. Goldstein, Robert E. Gwyther, and Carol E. Ripley-Moffitt / Anxiety, Peter Ham / Depression, Donald E. Nease, Jr.
Respiratory Problems: Allergies and Asthma, Dorothy E. Vura-Weis / Acute Respiratory Infections, Arch G. Mainous III and William J. Hueston / Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, David L. Gaspar and Dorothy E. Vura-Weis
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Washington Manual
Wolters Kluwer Health
Publication Date:
Jan 4, 2007
Soft cover
1.500 kg