Essential Revision Notes in Surgery for Students
by Irfan Halim-
Soft Cover
Review 'A very well-organised title with both a good introduction and a good quick-reference guide to the topics. The book's clear, logical and consistent organization ensures that the reader is given all relevant information without it becoming unreadable.'Seb Pillon, 5th year medical student, Manchester Description "Essential Revision Notes in Surgery for Medical Students" provides detailed 'need to know' information for medical students. Third year students wishing to reinforce their knowledge will find it invaluable as will 5th years wanting to prepare for their examinations. This new title focuses on what is essential learning for medical undergraduates and gives readers an 'all round' knowledge of surgery at this level. It includes essential elements of theoretical knowledge and clinical diagnosis combined into a quick but thorough revision aid. Popular conditions are used to illustrate key learning points. Concise information is contained within an easy to follow format. Each chapter is written by experienced authors within their fields.