Common Skin Diseases
by Ronald Marks, Richard Motley-
Recognition and treatment of skin disorders is a vital element in the practice of medicine. Skin disorders are one of the most common reasons for patient presentation, and the day-to-day practice of
all physicians will include patients suffering from itches, rashes and skin ulceration, as well as dermatological manifestations of systemic diseases. Common Skin Diseases is a highly regarded
work, now thoroughly revised and updated for its 18th edition. It adopts a concise and user-friendly approach, with practical guidance provided with the needs of the busy general practitioner or
dermatology trainee in mind. It also remains an invaluable reference for medical students aiming to specialise in this important area of medicine. With a reader friendly approach and more than
400 photographs and explanatory diagrams in full colour, the 18th edition of Common Skin Diseases remains the key learning resource in the field of dermatology. This is a specially priced edition,
published exclusively for the benefit of students living in newly industrialised countries and those with a developing economy. If you have made your purchase in North America, Europe (excluding
Eastern Europe), Japan, Australia or New Zealand, this book is being made available in an unlawful way, without the approval of the Publisher or Author.