Case Files: Family Medicine, 2nd Edition

by Eugene Toy, Donald Briscoe, Bal Reddy, Bruce Britton
  • Soft Cover
Real-Life Cases for the Family Medicine Clerkship and the Shelf-Exam You need exposure to high-yield cases to excel on the Family Medicine clerkship and the shelf-exam. Case Files: Family Medicine presents 55 real-life cases that illustrate essential concepts in Family Medicine. Each case includes a complete discussion, clinical pearls, references, definitions of key terms, and USMLE-style review questions. With this system, you'll learn in the context of real patients, rather than merely memorize facts. •55 clinical cases, each with USMLE-style questions •Clinical pearls highlight key concepts •Primer on how to approach clinical problems and think like a doctor •Proven learning system improves your shelf-exam scores •Written by experienced educators who know exactly what it takes to excel
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ISBN: 9780071639446
Series: Case Review
Publisher: Mc Graw-Hill Medical
Publication Date: Jan 8, 2008
Cover: Soft cover
Pages: 624
Weight: 0.680 kg
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