Managing dental Trauma in Practice

by Richard Welbury
  • Hard Cover
The authors of this book offer expert guidance on diagnosing and treating different forms of dental trauma. Emphasis is placed on the comprehensive care of patients and their damaged teeth following trauma involving the dentition and associated soft tissues. Especially welcome is a chapter on the part dentists may play in identifying cases of child abuse. Contents 1. History, Examination, Diagnosis and Treatment Planning 2. Prevention 3. Intraoral Soft Tissue Injuries 4. Primary Dentition Injuries 5. Permanent Dentition: Uncomplicated Crown and Crown-root Fractures: Infractions, Enamel Fractures, Enamel-dentine Fractures, Enamel-dentine-cementum Fractures 6. Permanent Dentition: Complicated Crown Fractures: Enamel-dentine-pulp Fractures, Enamel-dentine-pulp-root Fractures 7. Permanent Dentition: Root Fractures and Splinting 8. Permanent Dentition: Concussion, Subluxation, Lateral Luxation and External Resorption 9. Permanent Dentition: Intrusive and Extrusive Luxations 10. Permanent Dentition: Avulsion and Reimplantation 11. Permanent Dentition: Dento-alveolar Fractures 12. Child Physical Abuse
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ISBN: 9781850970873
Publisher: Quintessence Publishing
Publication Date: Jan 1, 1900
Cover: Hard cover
Pages: 124
Weight: 0.363 kg

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